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Why You Need an Enterprise Cloud Managed Service Provider

Why You Need an Enterprise Cloud Managed Service Provider

Partnering with a cloud managed service team can be a vital part of your business’s transformation to the cloud. These providers can help streamline your IT processes, balance and maintain your applications, and develop solutions that enable your business operations to thrive in today’s market. Let’s dive into the backbone

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7 Things you need to consider before migrating to the cloud

7 Things you need to consider before migrating to the cloud

Navigating Cloud Migration: 7 Essential Factors to Evaluate The case for migrating your business to the cloud is enormous: much lower capital expenses, better service availability, and practically limitless scalability, just to name a few. But it also presents a substantial departure from the old ways of working, and not

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Strengthening Your Digital Security Through Network Segmentation

How can you fortify your defenses with network segmentation? As malware and hacking techniques continue to evolve, it’s essential to have strong security protocols in place to protect your business from unauthorized access and data theft. Surprisingly, most data breaches can be prevented by implementing the long-established security practice of

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Unlock the True Benefits of the Cloud with Cloud-Native Computing

Unlock the True Benefits of the Cloud with Cloud-Native Computing

Embracing Cloud-Native Technology: Unlocking the Power for Big Enterprise Advancement Cloud-native technology has completely changed the pace of business. Applications, software, services, and solutions can be plopped into your lap (or your customer’s lap) almost instantaneously and can help solve your organization’s most pressing business challenges before lunch. Choose the

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AWS Services in Simple Terms

AWS provides a wide array of services covering computing, storage, networking and a lot more AWS provides a wide array of services covering computing, storage, networking and a lot more. We have put together a few of those services in layman’s terms. AWS IAM AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

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Netrix Blog

The Truth about Cloud Managed Services

Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are two of the most common examples of clouds. These cloud managed services have been the mainstay of many businesses. Without maintaining expensive hardware, these managed cloud services have added simplicity and efficiency to the data storage and management, customer service and workflow management of various organizations.

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Netrix Blog

How to Enable Video Scanning Using Google Cloud Intelligence ?

Unleashing the Power of Google Cloud Platform for Video Analysis and Processing The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a storehouse of resources, and you don’t need significant technical nous to realize its advantages and explore its many possibilities.      Google Cloud provides many advantages for video analysis, as part of Google’s content submissions

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Netrix Blog

GDPR: A New Era towards Data Privacy

Simplifying GDPR Compliance with Microsoft Office 365: Key Steps and Tools GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is set to embark on May 25, 2018. This is the succession to the existing European Unions’ New Data Protection Law and follows the same guidelines, but strengthens individuals’ personal data privacy. It

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Netrix Blog

Citrix Global Server Load Balancing 101

Optimizing Load Balancing with Citrix’s Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) Citrix is known for taking an existing technology and turning it into something better. XenApp has always been referred to as, “RDP on steroids” and with a click of a mouse, PVS allows dynamically deployable machines and servers. Citrix’s Global

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Netrix Blog

Cloud: Hybrid Maintenance and Upkeep

Keep your cloud environment running smooth now and in the future Thinking of migrating to Office 365? Already migrated to the cloud? Think that because you’ve moved or are moving that there will be no maintenance required for your cloud infrastructure? Well, it’s mostly true. There are things that you

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