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Healthcare Solutions Provider Empowers Clients with Report Portal, Earning Competitive Differentiation

The Client

The customer is a Healthcare Solutions Provider with an advanced back-office and IT solutions for SNF (Skilled Nursing Facility) and LTC (Long-Term Care) multi-facility owners. As a healthcare financial management provider, the customer’s services include accounts payable, cash management, accounting, and analytics. Buying under a Group Purchasing Organization enables the customer to leverage buying power to provide its clients with discounts on a wide array of services and supplies. With an advanced, proprietary software that constantly monitors prescriptions, and automatically finds real-time cost savings opportunities for its clients. The customer is a leader, serving over 200 facilities across 20 states

The Challenge

Through serving its clients, the Healthcare Solutions Provider collects a variety of business-critical data which its clients can use to make decisions on issues such as staffing, cashflow, and purchasing. To provide the data its clients, the customer previously ran reports, converted the reports to PDF, and emailed them to its clients. This labor-intensive process required significant overhead in order to produce very complex reports for its clients

The Solution

Project Springboard
The client first engaged with Netrix Global on a Project Springboard, a collaborative effort to determine the scope of a custom development project and to decide if moving forward makes sense. Netrix Global met with various IT team members, including technical teams who owned the content and others who understood the business value of the reports. The client provided a technical overview, including where the data comes from, how it’s shaped and presented, and what their clients want to see in these reports. This engagement concluded that the project was business-critical and could potentially have a significant impact. Netrix Global generated a backlog of applications functionally and a prioritized list of features consisting of:

  • A web portal
  • Single sign-on integration
  • Ability to manage identities for each client
  • Security to ensure each client accesses only their data

Netrix Global recommended a technical stack consisting of a web app built on a .NET core react front end with Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) reports as the presentation layer.

The Result

Ensuring Data Privacy with Role-Based User Authentication
The solution delivered includes both reports and the self-service web portal to deliver them. Netrix Global leveraged Power BI Embedded, which allows reports built in Power BI to be exposed externally. Additionally, Netrix Global incorporated user authentication and role-based security to ensure the data was scoped properly. Portal users log in, verify their identity, and are then provided with access only to the data they’re authorized to view. Leveraging Power BI enables data to be externalized without having the customer build a rich UI and learn a support building language. Moving forward, the client’s report builders can continue to update these reports without having to deliver new code to the web app. This provides the client with the benefits of a scalable solution to support future growth.

Self-Service, Customizable Analytics
Netrix Global built a framework which contains dashboard management and report catalogs. The customer’s clients can easily create custom dashboards using widgets. Users can also enable push notifications and subscribe to reports to be sent via email at the interval of their choosing. The application is responsive for use on tablets and mobile phones.

Swift Launch, Leading to Iterative Development

The customer chose to start small with a Proof of Concept to first show value to internal senior leadership. Netrix Global was flexible and able to work within a limited budget to deliver an initial solution with a reduced scope. The first step was defining a minimum viable product, outlining the core functionality needed to deliver to the customer with the least possible development effort. This enabled the customer to launch sooner, getting it in the hands of select clients, in order to market test and gather feedback to better understand its client’s preferences.
Initial feedback from the Healthcare Solutions Provider’s clients was overwhelmingly positive. Together, Netrix Global and the customer built from that strong foundation, working on the next iteration of features. The rollout of new functionality included synchronizing user authentication with the mass data lake storage of semi structured and unstructured data.

Quickly Realizing Return on Investment, a Huge Differentiator

The approach to step into this project slowly, allowed the customer to see an early
return on investment from the initial market testing, resulting in positive feedback and
enthusiasm from their clients, proving the value of the project every step of the way.
With senior management buy-in, Netrix Global’s collaboration with the customer’s team created the trust partnership needed to fully execute on this phased application build.

Introducing Agile Development and Cultivating Operations Excellence

Throughout the engagement, Netrix Global helped the customer grow internally and
mature in their journey towards operational excellence. Specifically, Netrix Global
introduced the customer to an agile development methodology, leading the practice and helping them grow into it organically. Netrix Global provided the added value of supporting a cultural shift which included vital growth in maturity and an expansion of their Azure footprint.

Experience The Impact

No matter what challenge you’re facing today, our team of technical experts can get you started on a path to a better solution. We’ll partner with you to: 

  • Understand your current technology environment
  • Interview key stakeholders to understand the root of the business issue(s)
  • Propose a solution with projected timelines, budget, and dependencies