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Microsoft 365 Backup and Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Pioneering Over Cyberattack Challenges

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Microsoft 365 is designed to ensure high availability, security, and data privacy. As the number of Cyberattacks and the scale of impacted data increases very year, businesses want enhanced self-service recovery capabilities over extended time periods. Microsoft has announced the general availability of Microsoft 365 Backup, and the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage platforms, delivering capabilities to help you address these growing challenges for your organization.

Here are some of the key benefits and features:

Fast Backup and Restore: Microsoft 365 Backup can backup and restore large tenants within hours. This is particularly important in cases of a ransomware attack that encrypts large swaths of your data, or instances of an internal accidental or malicious data deletion or overwrite event.

Full Fidelity Restore: It provides full SharePoint site and OneDrive account restore fidelity, meaning the site and OneDrive are restored to their exact state at specific prior points in time via a rollback operation. It also offers full Exchange mailbox item restores, or granular item restores using search, for modified or deleted items.

Consolidated Security and Compliance: Microsoft 365 Backup allows for consolidated security and compliance domain management. It helps maintain business continuity by keeping your data within Microsoft 365 security and trust coverage, plus geo residency adherence for backup data.

Recovery Points: Every 10 minutes for prior 52 weeks for Exchange. OneDrive and SharePoint every 10 minutes for the 2 weeks prior then covert to a weekly snapshot for weeks 2-52 weeks prior.

Retention Period: The retention period for OneDrive, SharePoint, and Exchange Online is 1 year.

Granular Restore: You can look forward to granular restoration of Exchange based Mail, Contacts, Calendar and Task items. Granular options are coming soon for SharePoint and OneDrive.

Cost-Effective: The storage on Microsoft 365 Backup is priced at $0.15/GB/month.

Works as Standalone product or 3rd party backup solutions

Microsoft 365 Backup is a standalone product, or it can work with other backup solutions. It’s designed to ensure your organization’s data is always protected and easily recoverable, and it can be used in conjunction with third-party backup solutions.

Microsoft 365 Backup allows for partner applications built on the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage platform. This means that third-party backup solutions can leverage the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage to provide unique and powerful experiences within a single pane of glass integrating your Microsoft 365 and non-Microsoft 365 data sources.

Some of the partners who are dedicated to bringing the advantages of Microsoft 365 Backup Storage to customers include AvePoint, Cohesity, Commvault, Rubrik, and Veeam. These partner solutions can deliver the same exceptional backup and restore speeds provided by Microsoft assurances – all while keeping that Microsoft 365 data within the trusted Microsoft security and compliance domain.

Microsoft 365 Backup Storage

  • Preferred Platform for Scale: Microsoft 365 Backup Storage is a preferred platform for backing up and restoring Microsoft 365 data at scale. It powers native Microsoft 365 Backup offering and enables independent software vendors (ISVs) to build applications using the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage APIs.
  • Speed, Security, and Privacy: Quickly restore and recover to a healthy state of your data within hours. Since Microsoft 365 Backup data is stored in the Microsoft 365 trust boundary and the underlying Microsoft 365 Backup storage API platform limits its scope to just the backup and restore operations, you do not have to grant an application for overly permissive access to all your private data. Also reduce your security breach surface and maintain a more simplified security and privacy domain.


This rollout will happen automatically with no admin action required. Applications Microsoft 365 Backup Storage platform delivers peace of mind for getting your business operations restored to a healthy pre-attack point in a very short time, along with your data. Full SharePoint site and OneDrive account are restored to their exact state at specific prior points in time via a rollback operation. Full Exchange mailbox restores, or granular item restores using search, for modified or deleted items, along with consolidated security and compliance domain management.

How Netrix Global Can Assist

As a trusted partner, we play an important role in helping customers be proactive in any potential cyberattacks, along with protecting their data. Understanding these updates to maximize your organization running seamlessly is one way we continue to help problem solve. We will keep you posted on more updates as Microsoft continues to enhance its backup capabilities to protect your critical data! Connect with us to get the latest information and let us partner with you to discover the different options and best backup solution for your organization.



Rich Lilly

Rich Lilly is Security Field CTO at Netrix Global. He has more than 20 years of experience implementing and managing complex security programs leveraging Microsoft solutions.

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