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Netrix Global

Should I Be Worried About Ransomware?

RANSOMWARE IS NOW TARGETING EVERYONE Ransomware is a way for cybercriminals to steal money from you. You, not just large organizations, but individuals and small businesses. It’s happening more and more every day, but most people still refuse to believe that they will be a target of a ransomware attack.

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Netrix Blog
Netrix Global

4 Key Elements to Building a Technology Enabled Workspace

Workplace technology is one of the most misunderstood concepts today Workplace technology is a term that is gaining more and more steam as organizations look to build out new office space to hire the growing millennial workforce as well as leverage the space as a recruiting tool. Workplace technology is

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Netrix Blog
Netrix Global

Microsoft Introduces New Chat-based Workspaces Called Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a new secure, chat-based workspace in Office 365 for dynamic, fast-paced collaboration among employees Microsoft launched a new product named Microsoft Teams. Teams is a new secure, chat-based workspace in Office 365 for dynamic, fast-paced collaboration among employees. Microsoft Teams is currently in the preview for all

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Netrix Blog
Netrix Global

Cloud: Hybrid Maintenance and Upkeep

Keep your cloud environment running smooth now and in the future Thinking of migrating to Office 365? Already migrated to the cloud? Think that because you’ve moved or are moving that there will be no maintenance required for your cloud infrastructure? Well, it’s mostly true. There are things that you

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Netrix Blog
Netrix Global

Collaboration: Workplace and Technology: The Integration Challenge

Integration Challenge: Harmonizing Workplace and Technology for Seamless Collaboration In today’s day and age, technology allows for more interconnectivity than ever. Wi-Fi is available nearly everywhere, whether we are sitting in a coffee shop or aboard an airplane. We can remotely monitor our homes camera systems, and change the thermostat

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Netrix Blog
Netrix Global

Fighting Cybercrime with Internet Culture

Cultures are Built on Fiction “Cultures are built on fiction.” A statement made by Ashton Kutcher at one of the largest cybersecurity events in the world. More than likely, your initial thought is that you disagree. I did. But let’s break down his statement to help us understand how this

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Netrix Blog
Netrix Global

​Who’s Who in Agile Projects?

Key Roles in Agile Project Teams: Product Owner, Scrum Team, and Scrum Master If you are new to the agile framework for project execution and management, you may find yourself asking, “Who is who?” and “What are the responsibilities of each role?” When you and your team have a solid

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To truly drive business value, we first need to identify the root of your challenges and define your business goals. No one knows that better than you and our team is ready to listen.