Our approach to delivering results focuses on a three-phase process that includes designing, implementing, and managing each solution. We'll work with you to integrate our teams so that where your team stops, our team begins.
OUR APPROACHDesign modern IT architectures and implement market-leading technologies with a team of IT professionals and project managers that cross various areas of expertise and that can engage directly with your team under various models.
OUR PROJECTSWith our round-the-clock Service Desk, state-of-the-art Technical Operations Center (TOC), vigilant Security Operations Center (SOC), and highly skilled Advanced Systems Management team, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to keep your operations running smoothly and securely at all times.
OUR SERVICESTe invitamos a nuestro próximo evento diseñado especialmente para los fanáticos del desarrollo, donde podrán conocer en profundidad la tecnología Amazon CodeGuru, una herramienta impulsada por IA, puede ayudarte a:
¿A quién está dirigido este evento?
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Bienvenida e introducción
Tecnologías AI y GenAI de AWS para facilitar el desarrollo de código
Amazon Cloud Guru: qué es y como implementarlo de forma exitosa en tus procesos de desarrollo
Amazon Cloud Guru LIVE: Demo de implementación
Próximos pasos en la optimización de tu código y procesos de desarrollo