Unlike shopping in a retail store, online shoppers cannot hold, touch and examine products that they are looking at online. Studies have shown that this inability to physically interact with products causes anxiety, which can be a huge barrier to purchasing. In order to overcome purchase anxiety, online sellers need to make products feel more palpable so that shoppers are reassured. How can an e-commerce site make products feel more real to shoppers? The answer is in the product pages themselves. Creating products pages for an e-commerce website is not as simple as just adding a product photo, price and one or two line description. The product page is where the work has to be done to answer shoppers’ questions and quell their fears, and that is a big task! The most effective e-commerce product pages will have the following elements: Price Information – For products that are not discounted, the price will just be a straightforward dollar value. However, for products that are discounted, the product page needs to reflect this lower price to sell the shopper. Including the original price, discount and final price is important to illustrate value to shoppers and urge them to buy now instead of waiting. Variety of Images – Product pages need to have a variety of photos from various angles or points of view to give a complete picture of the product. The images should be high-resolution and able to be zoomed in on as well (where possible). This way shoppers can feel like they are actually holding the product and inspecting it themselves. Features – Including descriptive information for products is absolutely essential and should not be limited to basic details. In the product features description, sell the product by discussing its materials, uses, capabilities, etc. Including as much information as possible about the product will make shoppers feel more comfortable with their purchases. Options – If there are any options available for the product, they need to be explained in the product description, showcased in the product images and also able to be selected from the product page. E-commerce product pages that do not include this information can cause in a reduction of orders with additional options selected (which can be bad for business if the available options are upgrades to a base product). Technical Specifications – Providing weight, size and technical specifications allow shoppers to get the basic details to determine if products will fit their needs. Tech specs are the online equivalent of letting shoppers read boxes in store aisles. Shipping Information – Giving shoppers shipping information upfront avoids any surprises later, which is why many online stores will include special shipping circumstance details in the product description. If a product has an added shipping fee because of size or takes longer to ship, let shoppers know as they are looking at the product to set expectations properly. Reviews – Many shoppers rely on customer reviews to inform them about products and companies. Because shoppers deem reviews more trustworthy than marketing materials, having honest positive reviews on your products can encourage purchases. Details from the Manufacturer – Some products have manufacturer details that are essential to include (things like SKUs, compatibility with various models, etc.). These should be provided to help product pages show up in search results and get more traffic. Contents – Product kits or combination packages should have their contents clearly listed so that shoppers do assume that they are getting something that is not included (or, alternatively, end up paying for something that they did not want). Social Share Buttons – Depending on the nature of the products being sold, having social sharing buttons can help get more exposure for the products and traffic to the site by allowing shoppers to share them with followers. Buttons that allow shoppers to tweet, post or pin products on social media platforms are common these days (especially among gift-able products), as are buttons that allow shoppers to email products to others. Accessories and Related Products – Linking to accessories or related products is a good way to keep people on your site longer and upsell shoppers. This is especially important for products where there are many add-ons that do not come standard. Let our web team design your B2B or B2C e-commerce site! Contact the Netrix Web & Creative Services team today to find out how we can work together to achieve something great!